These past few months have been intense. From COVID and lockdown to protests and social restrictions to restructuring and pivoting our businesses, it’s been full-on, non-stop, mental and emotional overdrive.
Some good, even great, things have come out of the “Surreal Spring” (as I’ve started calling it), but it’s been a constant practice in energy and headspace management like never before.
And one of the biggest lessons I learned again during this time is how important it is to saturate our minds with carefully-curated information. I’m not talking about living in a bubble, or an echo chamber, or searching out information that confirms what we already know. I’m talking about surrounding ourselves with ideas, people, conversations, podcasts, books, or any other inputs that elevate, stimulate, and inform our minds instead of deflating, subduing, or deforming them.
As any computer programmer or nutritionist will tell you, garbage in = garbage out. And when times are tough, turbulent, or turned upside down, as they are right now, we can’t afford to give garbage a look in.
So as you work through the challenges ahead, as you grapple with big and small changes in your life and in your business, remember to saturate your mind with whatever it is that will take you and the world around you higher.